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Meladie Beauchamp, MA

K-12 School Counselor | Life Coach | 
SEL & Content Specialist 

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Early Childhood Experience

I was born into a military family and spent my early years traveling from place to place. The biggest downside was not being able to establish life-long childhood friendships. The upside is I traveled and was exposed to various cultures from a young age. This exposure has helped shape my worldview and allows me to work with clients from all walks of life!

Career Development

At only 17 years of age, I worked as a Certified Nurse's Assistant in a nursing home and a local community hospital. This is where I learned the importance of empathy and altruism. Later, I joined the Air Force where I served as an Aerospace Medical Technician and EMT. This is where I developed self-discipline, perseverance and, the power of collaboration. With an honorable discharge, I applied my GI Bill to obtain a degree in Human Development and Psychology; my rivers and roads to School Counseling and Coaching!

My Journey Continues! 

The journey never ends! My dream is to move forward as I help others explore life and appreciate all of the dead ends and rocky waters. In my non-linear path to self-actualization, I saw that there was consistency in my need to help others. While we may not have it all figured out right away, we can connect the dots and cling to the fact that we have a purpose; every path forward has meaning. 



Coaching Specialties

 Life Coaching

Time Management & Organizational Skills

Social and Emotional Learning

career exploration

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